Our staff has extensive training in the field of professional property management and we are membersof the National Association of Residential Property Managers NARPM (www.narpm.org).
We screen all prospective tenants eighteen years of age and older and qualify them based on the following criteria:
- Proof of positive rental or home ownership.
- Full credit report with minimum standards required (Unless applicant is a non-financially responsible party for a Portland property).
- Proof of gross monthly income (Unless applicant is a non-financially responsible party for a Portland property).
- Criminal background check.
Kerr Properties, Inc. offers online rent collection, plus the tenants can submit requests online through their secure online tenant portal. This is all done through our software RentVine which is the top web-based property management and accounting software on the market today. Our property owner clients receive online monthly reporting, have access to a private client portal with anytime access to your monthly reports and we send your funds via ACH (direct deposit) to your bank account each month. This software also allows our clients and tenants to pay rent, bills, etc. with eChecks or debit and credit cards.
We have a NO SMOKING policy on the premises of all our Real Estate investments that we manage.
All tenants eighteen years of age and older, that will be residing in the property, are required to have renter’s insurance, unless they fall below the median income level. They are also required to add Kerr Properties, Inc. as an additional interest.
We prefer leases to end in the summertime so if a tenant chooses to vacate, we end up with a vacancy during the best time of year to re-rent properties. Should the homeowner client approve a lease renewal there is a charge of $200.00 per renewal.
Once approved, the applicant has within three business days to sign the final documents or they can put down the security deposit to hold the property for a maximum of two weeks. If they choose to hold the property, they are required to sign an Agreement to Execute the Rental Agreement. If the tenants back out of the arrangement before the rental agreements are signed the property owner will retain 50% of the tenant's security deposit and Kerr will retain 50% of the tenant’s security deposit and Kerr will then move on to the next applicants in line for the property.
Kerr Properties, Inc. has also partnered with Second Nature and Surevestor. Second Nature is a furnace filter company that has a program that will deliver the correct sized furnace filters directly to the tenant’s door.
Since tenants are responsible for replacing and / or cleaning the furnace filters we offer this program as an option to all home owner clients at a minimal cost of $10.00 per month as an incentive to the tenants to keep up on the furnace filter replacement. Surevestor is an insurance provider that will cover the minimum $1,000.000.00 liability policy that is required per the terms of the management agreement. This is a minimal cost of $20.49 a month per unit to ensure you have the correct coverage for your Real Estate investment. SureVestor also offers the Landlord Protection Plus Bundle for a minimal cost of $56.00 a month per unit. You can obtain more info about these companies by visiting www.secondnature.com and www.surevestor.com.