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How to Sell Your House in Portland, OR: Expert Property Marketing Secrets Revealed!

How to Sell Your House in Portland, OR: Expert Property Marketing Secrets Revealed!

In 2020, approximately 5.64 million homes were sold in the United States, and every seller hoped to get the best possible value.

Selling a house, especially in a competitive market like Portland, OR, can be daunting. Without knowing the insider tips and tricks of property marketing, you might settle for less than your home is worth. That can hurt your bank balance.

This article unveils expert property marketing secrets that can help you navigate the complexities of the real estate market. They'll help to ensure you sell your home for top dollar. Keep reading to learn the secrets to marketing your property to eager homebuyers!

Partner With an Experienced Property Management Company

Selecting an experienced property management company is crucial when you want to sell your house. Here's why:

  • Market Expertise: They possess in-depth market knowledge, ensuring your home is priced accurately to attract serious buyers
  • Buyer Network: Their extensive network includes potential buyers, increasing the chances of a quick sale
  • Open Houses and Showings: They efficiently organize and host open houses and showings, presenting your home in the best light
  • Paperwork and Negotiations: Handling all paperwork and negotiations simplifies the selling process, making it smoother and less stressful for you

Use Yard Signs for Property Marketing

Using yard signs for property marketing can significantly enhance your property's visibility and attract potential home buyers. These signs act as direct and constant advertisements, reaching passersby who may be seeking a home or know someone who is.

Yard signs provide critical information, such as contact details, open house dates, and the property's unique selling points. This makes it easier for interested home buyers to take immediate action.

Advertise on Several Platforms

When you market your property, advertising across several platforms is highly recommended. Doing this helps to maximize exposure to a broader audience. By leveraging multiple channels, you increase the chances of reaching potential buyers who may not be active on just one platform.

Include Videos and Drone Footage

Adding videos and drone footage to your online home listing can significantly enhance its appeal. It's worth it because it provides potential buyers with an immersive property experience.

High-quality videos and aerial views offer a dynamic perspective that static photos cannot. In a more engaging and informative way, they can showcase the following:

  • Home's layout
  • Surrounding landscape
  • Unique features

Get Kerr Properties on Your Side to Sell Your Home

Selling your house in a bustling market like Portland, OR, necessitates a strategic approach to property marketing. Partnering with a seasoned property management company and utilizing yard signs, drone footage, and more in your online listing help.

Kerr Properties Inc.'s Rent vs. Sell Calculator can help you make a data-driven decision about whether to rent or sell your property. Simply enter your details and receive a comprehensive analysis comparing the financial outcomes of both options.

With over 40 years of experience and a commitment to excellence, Kerr Properties Inc. is your trusted partner in property management. Contact us today and take the first step toward achieving your goals!
